Discursive Logic

On top of the formal ingredients, we should imagine that most conversational Lojban takes place in a discursive modal logic, not Loj or Selb. This is where words like {lo} and {le} can be properly defined. Consider:

lo mlatu ku mlatu

This bridi does not have explicit quantifiers. Whether it is true depends on which universe of discourse we use to interpret it. For example, the empty universe should, in some sense, not satisfy it, because {lo mlatu} should refer to something which the speaker doesn't have in mind yet but which still exists. The act of clarifying referents leads to argument over the contents of the universe of discourse, and so deserves its own treatment apart from mathematics and hard sciences.

Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses

It's not clear what the difference between {noi} and {poi} is, but it is a discursive difference: there is no change in logical content, but something is denoted to listeners.