BAI Modals

The BAI must be irregular overall; there's no single consistent pattern to them. But perhaps there's some families of behavior.

Column deletion can't work like with normal places. Suppose we have {broda bai zi'o}; then we have no choice but to imagine it {broda} in its rows. But does that imply that {broda} normally carries a {bai zo'e} after it? Hopefully not! We need another part of our zo'e convention to handle this.

Compounding the difficulty, some standard places are identified using BAI. For example, tavla4 is effectively {bau}. How do we unify these places correctly while minimizing irregularity?

I think that there can't be general semantics for {fi'o}. la xorxes' definition merely says that somehow it adjoins one selbri onto another, without regard for the implicit unification that happens in non-trivial examples.

Specifying selected BAI


A nice warmup to understand what we're about to do.

ro da zo'u:

  da broda
------------ (kai-intro)
broda kai da

     broda sekai da
======================= (sekai-intel)
lo nu broda ku ckaji da

I am confused and frightened. I am not really enjoying this. But okay.



ro da ro de zo'u:

da broda de
broda ki'i da

...Hm. I think that this is all wrong. The pattern had looked good before, but now we're dropping data. That's no good.


ro da ro de zo'u:

 da broda de
broda du'i da

What's even going on.